DoB Quarterly Meeting at NESCent, April 2011

The second quarterly meeting of the EnDoBiodiversity group was organized by François Lutzoni and Jolanta Miadlikowska, and was held at NESCent in April, 2011. Our group included the four PIs, primary collaborator Jola Miadlikowska, postdoc Ryoko Oono, graduate student Jana U'Ren, bioinformatics collaborator Frank Kauff, and NESCent Bioinformatics staff (Ben Redelings and Hilmar Lapp). The main focus of the two-day meeting was cyberinfrastructure and bioinformatics-pipeline development, and plans were confirmed for research expeditions to boreal forest (summer 2011) and outreach activities at EnDoBiodiversity home institutions.


PI Group at NESCent, 4/2011